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Составление сопроводительного письма — работа в Москве

Дата: 2024-06-03
Сретенский бульвар, Тургеневская, Красные Ворота, Чистые пруды
возможна работа на дому
от 5000.00 руб.
Дата публикации
Составить письмо: на английском. Вакансия: Для поступления в вузы США и Англии. Пожелания и особенности: Нужно написать на шикарном английском сопроводительное письмо для поступления в Лигу Плюща и университеты Англии. Также есть другие задания Пример ниже Second example Studying in the UK has enabled me to evaluate and develop my thoughts on politics at home in Hong Kong in a more detached manner, recognising the confrontational nature of Hong Kong's politics means that fundamental discussions on aspects of social sciences are easily undermined by passionate polemics. In this time of volatile social metamorphosis, I hope to acquire a comprehensive perspective through the academic lens of a multidisciplinary degree examining the essence of social operation. Intrigued by the Hong Kong-China conflict, I dedicated my EPQ to identity-driven separatism. I investigated the nature and impact of identity as an intrinsic human craving for recognition and, viewed through language policies, concluded that under a liberal framework all approaches to addressing identity-based separatism are likely to encourage its growth. Crucial to my research was Fukuyama's Identity though I believe his conclusion that identity conflicts may be resolved under liberal democracy overgeneralises and underrates the impact of identity differences. Although largely upheld as the best form of social arrangement today, it is too early to consider democracy's consolidation advanced enough to trump an innate element of human nature. Upon reading Hobbes' Leviathan, I found his social contract highly convincing in explaining the authority of the Chinese Communist Party. Like Hobbes' context of writing, the Communist Party's emergence from the Civil War serves as a form of self-justified legitimacy for the de facto surrender of rights in return for general stability and economic prosperity. Despite its rejection in the liberal world, I find Hobbes' theory still valuable in the study of politics under a modern context. I am fascinated by the interweaving of law and politics as public law cannot be fully appreciated without an understanding of the political context. As much as politicising law, this relationship also legalises politics beyond extravagant rhetoric. Lord Bingham's Rule of Law reaffirmed my belief in the significance of upholding fundamental legal principles enshrining key political values. I then explored the law further in Debate Chamber's civil law programme. In discussions around tort law, the impact of philosophical foundations on the law surprised me. Finding the concept of “duty to rescue“ intriguing in balancing individual liberty and the right to life, I read further into Rabone v Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust (2012) in which the court established a positive operational duty owed to a voluntary psychiatric patient, leading me to question whether an authority's duty may override individual will. With an interdisciplinary degree I will be able to examine these captivating debates from perspectives I have yet to imagine. Seeking different avenues to enrich my perspectives, I participated in King's Law, Politics and Social Science Winter School and the John Locke Institute PPE summer school. In the process I found much inspiration in the classical liberal view on economics, especially the neo-liberal approach defended by Hayek's Road to Serfdom and Friedman's Capitalism and Freedom towards terminating collectivism and facilitating free market competition. This mechanism brought about the quickest phase of economic development in the last century under globalisation, including China's rise to a threatening level of prominence after Deng's pragmatic adoption of an open market. In The Fatal Conceit, Hayek's emphasis on the establishment of a “spontaneous order“ as the prerequisite for a free market is a warning which I consider dangerously understated in liberal discourse. Beyond academia, my commitment to playing hockey and the piano beyond Grade 8 standard equip me with determination and resilience. As chair of Politics Society and political editor for the School Magazine, my dedication to promoting and engaging with a faceted perspective prepares me well for the university degree and beyond.
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